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Balance Bikes, Bubbles, and Banana's

Balance Bikes, Bubbles, and Banana's
Join us for a morning of fun all about the littlest of Riders!! This camp is geared towards tots who are between the ages of 18 months and 5 years and who are starting to ride a balance bike or riding like a pro. Come on out with your little one and give them the best start to becoming great bikers while learning to have fun and enjoy the sport while hanging out with other kids their age.
Sign up for one week at a time or for multiple weeks at a discounted price.
Mornings include balance bike skills, pump track time, trail rides, and, of course, bubbles and bananas!!!! Parents are encouraged to stay on site but can decide if they would like to participate with their little one or hang out and watch. A trained coach will teach the course.
Space is limited, so sign up today!
Helmets and Balance Bikes (or some sort of push bike) are needed. Please reach out if this is an issue, and we can see what we can do.
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Balance Bikes, Bubbles, and Banana's

Every Thursday throughout the summer!! Choose to purchase 1,2,4, or 6 sessions at a time. Choose your first week from the drop-down menu.

Balance Bike Single Session

This is for one session of the balance bike class. Please choose the date you wish to attend.

Balance Bike 4 sessions

This is for 4 sessions of Balance Bikes - choose the first date you plan on attending from the drop-down below.

Balance Bikes 6 sessions

Choose the first date you will be coming. Dates do not have to be consecutive This is for 6 sessions between July 13th and August 31st.